  • 类型:FC游戏
  • 版本:v1.0
  • 平台:游戏
  • 时间:2022-04-30 17:29:07


  • 深入地底4-黑暗妖术师
  • 深入地底4-黑暗妖术师
  • 深入地底4-黑暗妖术师
  • 深入地底4-黑暗妖术师
  • 深入地底4-黑暗妖术师
  • 深入地底4-黑暗妖术师



This here is a first-person RPG. Most first-person RPGs suck, at least to me (I always die really easily and get lost frequently), but Deep Dungeon 4 isn’t so bad. Sure, I get lost all the time, but after I remember to equip my weapons, I actually have a pretty good time with it. It’s not TONS of fun, but it’s head and shoulders above stuff like Might and Magic 1. Yuk. 这是第一人称RPG。大多数第一人称角色扮演都很糟糕,至少对我来说(我总是很容易死,经常迷路),但《地牢4》并不差。当然,我总是迷路,但在我记得装备武器之后,我真的玩得很开心。这不是一大堆的乐趣,但它的头和肩膀以上的东西,如可能和魔术1。大笑。(机翻)

This is a completed re-translation of Deep Dungeon IV. It should be complete and bug-free. Thanks to odino for translating. Edited by snark, and a little help from DarknessSavior correcting a few errors found during final testing. 这是一个完整的重译深地牢四。它应该是完整的和无缺陷。 感谢奥迪诺的翻译。由snark编辑,黑暗救世主的一点帮助,纠正了在最终测试中发现的一些错误。(机翻) I have finished my translation patch for Deep Dungeon IV for the Famicom/NES. This is an all-new translation featuring expanded text and menus. It should be complete and bug-free. Translation and editing by odino and snark, and a little further by me. Definitely worth a play. This one features a non-linear structure. It is also much less dependent on RNG luck than the prior games. And thus it is perhaps easier than the others. So, now this only leaves III as the last untranslated Deep Dungeon. Still plan to finish that one, too. Don’t know when though. That game is kind of unbalanced and has a couple dumb things in it (like characters randomly fumbling, and thus de-equipping, their weapons). :P 我已经完成了我的翻译补丁为深地牢四的家庭。这是一个全新的翻译具有扩展的文本和菜单。它应该是完整的,没有错误。奥迪诺和斯纳克的翻译和编辑,还有我。 绝对值得一玩。这是一个非线性结构。与之前的游戏相比,它对RNG运气的依赖性也要小得多。因此,这可能比其他人更容易。 所以,现在这只剩下最后一个未翻译的深渊。仍然计划完成那个。不知道什么时候。这个游戏有点不平衡,里面有一些愚蠢的东西(比如角色随机摸索,从而解除武器装备)。笑脸(机翻)

