  • 类型:FC游戏
  • 版本:v1.0
  • 平台:游戏
  • 时间:2022-04-30 17:28:49


  • 深入地底3
  • 深入地底3
  • 深入地底3
  • 深入地底3
  • 深入地底3
  • 深入地底3



《深入地底3-勇者之旅》是一款非常经典的FC角色扮演游戏,由Hummingbird Soft开发,SquareSoft发行,1988年在日本地区发售。

This is a complete translation for Deep Dungeon III. A patcher is included that can expand the ROM to 512KB and apply the IPS patch. (to manually expand, just add 256KB of empty space, and duplicate the last 16KB into the last 16K of that expanded space) The BPS version of the patch should expand and patch the game without needing to expand the game first. This translation also makes some modifications to the game balance. Namely, KingMike didn’t like it that the game decided attack/spell, etc. success rates most of the time on RNG alone, so he made some mods to only use the stat-influenced RNG rolls. He also took out this really annoying feature where your characters sometimes de-equip their weapon in battle, costing you a turn and then another turn to fix it. He also fixed a few original bugs, the most serious of all being a bug that can kill your defense whenever you use a spell on your party. For those who insist on a “pure” translation, he left a list of offsets to mod back if you want to have the exact difficulty of the original version. While the translation patch itself has been properly done, KingMike has also included a translation of the manual, a largely machine-assisted job done as a last-minute bonus (the non-story parts more summarized than translated). 这是《深渊3》的完整译本。 其中包括一个补丁程序,可以将ROM扩展到512KB并应用IPS补丁。(要手动扩展,只需添加256KB的空白空间,并将最后16KB复制到最后16K的扩展空间中)BPS版本的补丁应该扩展并修补游戏,而无需先扩展游戏。 这个翻译也对游戏平衡做了一些修改。也就是说,KingMike不喜欢游戏决定攻击/咒语等。大多数时候,他只在RNG上成功率,所以他做了一些mods,只使用受属性影响的RNG掷骰。他还去掉了这个非常烦人的功能,你的角色有时会在战斗中解除武器装备,花费你一个回合,然后又一个回合来修复它。他还修复了一些原始错误,最严重的是一个错误,可以杀死你的防御每当你在你的党使用咒语。对于那些坚持“纯”翻译的人,如果你想有原版的确切难度,他会留下一个偏移量列表给mod back。 虽然翻译补丁本身已经做得很好,但KingMike还提供了手册的翻译,这是一项主要由机器辅助完成的工作,作为最后一分钟的奖励(非故事部分比翻译部分更为概括)。(机翻)

KingMike has released a complete translation patch for Deep Dungeon III for the Famicom, completing his translation patches for the entire four-game franchise. This one improves on the second as being the first with multiple dungeons and the first with multiple party members and a wider magic selection. It is also the only one which allows the player to create their party. Originally odino translated the scripts for both III and IV in 2008. The big holdup on this has been because KingMike had quite a frustrating time with the game’s difficulty. After analyzing the code, he discovered the game had some bugs, including a severe one that can mysteriously nullify a party member’s armor. So, this translation patch includes a few bug fixes as well as changing a few features he didn’t like about the game, like how your characters could randomly fumble and de-equip their weapon in battle. But he has also included an offset list for those who disagree on his changes and want to make their own version. At the last minute, KingMike on his own also made a hasty, largely machine-assisted localization of the manual. He’d really want to make you understand you should know the rules to this game when you’re going to play it as does he. You might even pick up a few tips to make the game less painful to play than it was for him. Note that the translation patch does require the ROM to be expanded first. KingMike为Famicom发布了一个完整的深层地牢3的翻译补丁,完成了整个四场游戏的翻译补丁。这一次改进了第二次作为第一次与多个地下城,第一次与多个党员和更广泛的魔术选择。这也是唯一一个允许玩家创建他们的队伍。 最初奥迪诺在2008年翻译了第三版和第四版的剧本。最大的阻碍是因为金麦克在比赛中遇到了很多困难。在分析代码后,他发现这个游戏有一些漏洞,其中包括一个严重的漏洞,可以神秘地使一个党员的盔甲失效。所以,这个翻译补丁包括一些错误修复,以及改变一些他不喜欢的关于游戏的功能,比如你的角色如何在战斗中随机摸索和解除武器装备。但他也为那些不同意他的修改并希望自己制作版本的人提供了一个补偿列表。 在最后一刻,金麦克自己也草率地对手册进行了大量的机器辅助本地化。他真的很想让你明白,当你和他一起玩游戏的时候,你应该知道游戏规则。你甚至可以从中得到一些建议,让游戏比他玩起来更不痛苦。 注意,翻译补丁确实需要先扩展ROM。(机翻)


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