  • 类型:FC游戏
  • 版本:v1.0
  • 平台:游戏
  • 时间:2022-06-17 10:10:21


  • 大盗伍佑卫门2
  • 大盗伍佑卫门2
  • 大盗伍佑卫门2
  • 大盗伍佑卫门2
  • 大盗伍佑卫门2



游戏名称:Ganbare Goemon 2











Ganbare Goemon 2: Kiteretsu Shōgun Magginesu (がんばれゴエモン2 奇天烈将軍マッギネス? lit. "Let's Go! Goemon 2: Very Strange General McGuiness") is a Super Famicom game by Konami released only in Japan, and the second of the SNES Ganbare Goemon games. This game was re-released along the first SNES Ganbare Goemon: Yuki-Hime Kyūshutsu Emaki (which was released outside Japan as The Legend of the Mystical Ninja) in a Game Boy Advance compilation, which also remained in Japan. This game marks the debut of Goemon's giant robot Impact and of the clockwork ninja Sasuke as a playable character (he previously debuted in Legend of the Mystical Ninja as a boss). The game has similarities to Super Mario World but it is shorter and arguably much more difficult. Contents[show] Story After rescuing Princess Yuki and saving Edo, Goemon and Ebisumaru decided to take a vacation at the Ryūkyū Resort when suddenly Sasuke appears and tells them that Japan is being threatened by the Western general McGuiness, who along with his army of bunny men, tries to westernize Japan. Goemon, Ebisumaru and Sasuke head to bunny castle to stop McGuiness. As the trio chase him and his bunny men around japan, McGuiness schemes a plan where he kidnaps several non-playable characters Gameplay Ganbare Goemon 2 uses an overworld map similar to that of Super Mario World, where the levels are arranged in a set order of worlds, each of them containing normal stages, towns, castles and giant robots. Unlike previous games, the levels can now be replayed. Like in Super Mario World, there are several areas that had to be unlocked by accessing alternate routes. 104473-ganbare-goemon-2-kiteretsu-shogun-magginesu-snes-screenshot Gameplay as shown here on Ganbare Goemon 2. The characters' common moves are moving, crawling, jumping and attacking. There are two ways to attack: either with a short-ranged weapon or with projectiles. However, using projectiles consumes coins. The characters themselves (Goemon, Ebisumaru and Sasuke) have their share of differences; Goemon is the all-round average character who uses his pipe as his main weapon, and as projectiles he tosses coins. Ebisumaru is slow and not very agile, but he is the strongest of the bunch, and uses fans to attack, as well as a projectile that rebounds walls. Sasuke, on the other hand, is quick and agile, but he is not very strong, and uses his kunai to slice enemies, and a firecracker bomb. Images (1) Overworld map as seen in Ganbare Goemon 2. The towns are also present in the map (now separated from the stages themselves), in which the characters are able to buy food, armor, items, rest in an inn or save their progress via battery back-up. At the end of a world there is always a castle, where a boss lurks. In some areas, the last stage involves fighting a giant robot, which must be defeated by controlling Impact. The game switches to a first-person view and Impact counts with a series of punches, giant coin projectiles (similar to those of Goemon) and a bomb attack. He can also guard. Like the previous game, there are also shops with plenty of mini-games to play at, including the second level of the arcade-only game Xexex.


Ganbare Goemon 2:基特雷特苏·什·古恩·马吉内苏(Kiteretsu Shōgun Magginesu)?“亮的。”走吧!《歌蒙2:非常奇怪的麦金尼斯将军》)是一款由河美制作的超级家庭游戏,只在日本发行,是第二款SNES-Ganbare歌蒙游戏。这个游戏是沿着第一个SNES Ganbare Goemon:Yuki Hime Kyūshutsu Emaki(作为神秘忍者的传说在日本以外的地方发行)在一个游戏男孩预先编译,这也留在日本重新发行。这个游戏标志着歌蒙的巨型机器人冲击和守时忍者佐助作为一个可玩的角色的首次亮相(他之前在神秘忍者传奇中首次以老板的身份亮相)。这个游戏与超级马里奥世界有相似之处,但它更短,可以说难度更大。 内容[显示] 故事 在救了玉姬公主和江户之后,戈蒙和艾比苏玛决定去瑞ū基ū度假村度假,突然间,佐助出现了,告诉他们日本正受到西方将军麦金尼斯的威胁,他和他的兔人大军试图使日本西化。戈蒙,艾比苏玛鲁和佐助前往兔子城堡阻止麦金尼斯。当三人在日本各地追捕他和他的兔人时,麦吉尼斯策划了一个计划,他绑架了几个不可扮演的角色


Ganbare Goemon 2使用了一个类似于超级马里奥世界的超世界地图,在这个地图上,各个层次按照一组世界的顺序排列,每个层次都包含正常的舞台、城镇、城堡和巨型机器人。与以前的游戏不同,现在可以重放关卡。就像在超级马里奥世界一样,有几个区域必须通过访问备用路线解锁。  角色的常用动作是移动、爬行、跳跃和攻击。攻击有两种方式:要么用短程武器,要么用射弹。然而,使用射弹会消耗硬币。 角色本身(歌门、艾比苏玛鲁和佐助)也有各自的不同之处;歌门是一个全面的普通角色,他用烟斗作为主要武器,并把硬币作为抛射物。艾比苏马鲁动作缓慢,不太灵活,但他是这群人中最强壮的,他用扇子来攻击,还有一个反弹墙的弹丸。另一方面,佐助又快又敏捷,但他不是很强壮,他用他的kunai切敌人,还有一个鞭炮炸弹。 图像(1) 在甘巴里·戈蒙2号中看到的超世界地图。 城镇也出现在地图上(现在与舞台本身分开了),在地图上,人物可以购买食物、盔甲、物品,在客栈休息,或者通过电池备份来节省进度。 世界的尽头总有一座城堡,那里潜伏着一个老板。在某些地区,最后一个阶段是与一个巨大的机器人作战,而这个机器人必须通过控制撞击来战胜它。游戏切换到第一人称视角,通过一系列的重击、巨大的硬币投射物(类似于Goemon)和炸弹攻击来计算冲击力。他也能守卫。 和之前的游戏一样,也有商店有很多小游戏可玩,包括第二级的街机专用游戏Xexex。(机翻)3


海面步行术 : 在第二关的阿波国,必须在海面上跳跃前进,如果跳跃失败而掉入海中,就会死亡。其实有一个既轻


复活术 : 两人玩时,如果其中一人被打死,另一人要赶快进入附近的商店,然后又赶紧从商店里走出来,这样被打


地狱脱身术 : 发现地藏王菩萨,如果用烟斗敲打他的头部,你将会掉落到地狱中去。如果你想从地狱中解脱出来,


走捷径法 : 在游戏开始时,首先要走进地狱,出了地狱后,在高中出现的画面上跳跃,便会在地面上出现隐藏的楼


暗道破壁法 : 依上面的方法来到村长住宅后,先别急着去攻打村长,检查一下村长住宅的墙壁。走到最左边的墙壁

前,按住方向键上,再按 A 、 B ,就可以破壁进入一个暗道。这是一条直线暗道,可以一边捡钱,一边前进,这样

可以获得 500 两银子。

