  • 类型:FC游戏
  • 版本:v1.0
  • 平台:游戏
  • 时间:2023-11-20 14:02:24


  • 超级羽毛球
  • 超级羽毛球
  • 超级羽毛球
  • 超级羽毛球


每场比赛以五局中最好的一局进行,打到15分(男孩)或11分(女孩)。可以选择四个不同的法庭。 沿着d-pad,有两个按钮用来控制玩家-一个用来挥动网拍,另一个用来跳跃。通过跟随穿梭机的影子,玩家可以正确地定位自己,然后在正确的时机击中它,给它足够的力量和升力到达对手的一侧,然后(希望)从对手够不着的地方下降。跳跃允许玩家向下击梭子,但仍在网上,大大缩短了正确回球的反应时间。(机翻)


Radically different from other racquet sports such as tennis, badminton uses a high-drag shuttle which gives it an irregular path. In this video game adaptation, the player controls the Japanese player in a competition against five opponents: Canada, USA, UK, South Korea and China. Each match is played on best-of-five sets, played to 15 (boys) or 11 (girls) points. Four different courts can be chosen. Along the d-pad, two buttons are used to control the player - one to swing the racquet, and other to jump. By following the shadow of the shuttle the player can position himself correctly, and then hit it in perfect timing, giving it enough power and lift to reach the opponent's side, and then (hopefully) descend out of the opponent's reach. Jumping allows the player to hit the shuttle downwards but still over the net, reducing the reaction time for a proper return drastically.(原文) FC超级羽毛球是该协会第一个涵盖羽毛球运动的比赛。它是由开发/发布团队Pax Softnica和Vap Inc.创建的,之前是88年超级棒球的幕后黑手。 这场比赛是用侧视图来描述的,与网球视频游戏相比,排球视频游戏更为常见,后者更倾向于从一个竞争者的背后看问题。这种比较对于羽毛球运动本身也是正确的,羽毛球运动同样注重在接近网的地方进行难以反击的扣球进攻,以便得分。由于羽毛球的飞行轨迹不规则,运动员需要更多地关注它的影子,而不是弹丸本身,以便有效地发挥作用。 尽管游戏中男女角色都有选择,但每个角色精灵都是一个双性同体的黑发人。唯一真正的变化是,女性选手的比赛时间比现实生活中的短。游戏还允许在主菜单上有四种不同的“外套”——随着这些外套改变了参赛者的比赛场地,这大概是对“法庭”的误译。(机翻) Super Dyna'mix Badminton is the first game for the Famicom to cover the sport of badminton. It was created by the developer/publisher team Pax Softnica and Vap Inc., previously behind Super Real Baseball '88. The game is depicted by a side-view, more commonly associated with volleyball video games than tennis video games, the latter favoring a viewpoint from behind one of the competitors. This comparison is also true for the sport of badminton itself, which has a similar focus on performing hard-to-counter spike attacks close to the net in order to score points. Because of the irregular flight path of a shuttlecock, the player needs to focus more on its shadow than the projectile itself in order to play effectively. Though the game has options for both male and female characters every character sprite is the same androgynous black-haired person. The only real change is that games are shorter for female competitors as they would be in real life. The game also allows for four different "coats" on the main menu - as these change the venue the competitors are playing in, this is presumably a mistranslation of "courts".(原文)

英文名称:Super Dyna'mix Badminton




制作公司:Pax Softnica

发行公司:Vap Inc.



吹风法 :

1. 往里吹:一边按十字键的上,一边按开始键,这时风按箭头方向,由 3D 画面的外面向画面纵深外吹。

2. 往外吹:一边按十字键的下,一边按开始键,风从里向外吹。

3. 旋风:一边按十字键的左或右,一这按开始键,场内所吹的风成为龙卷风,不可捉摸。



★=负 单=单打


结局画面:输入密码:“ BOMP”,之后按住P2的A和B键,按P1的START键

